Brand Guide

Version 1.0


Brand Strategy

460 characters of Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis

Brand Fundamentals

Brand Position

Our positioning statement is an internally-facing organizing idea that expresses how we want to be positioned in the minds of our audience.

Give the customer the best experience they never knew they had

Brand Brief

This is our fundamental perspective that makes our brand voice unique.

Identity verification should be designed for your customers. Not for fraudsters.

Brand Promise

This is the value we deliver and the power we give to our clients It’s the promise we make to them every day.

Verify and keep your customers wherever and however you sell.

Value Propositions

This is the value we deliver and the power we give our clients. It’s the promise we make to them every day.

We’re the up-and-running in a day, completely frictionless, completely flexible, verify-anywhere, no-hardware-required, identity verification choice.

Audience Considerations


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Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a

Audience Needs List

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Key Industries
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Typical Roles
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Verbal Identity

Our verbal identity works in tandem with our visual identity to create clarity through consistency, interest through resonance, and affinity through familiarity. This section provides tools and tips for crafting effective and compelling messaging while always sounding like Intellicheck.

The Parts of Our Verbal Identity

Brand Voice
10,000 FT | Strategic Level

Our Brand Voice is who we are 100% of the time. It’s the culmination of the perspective we hold, the values we have, the role we play, and the ideas we care about conveying to our audience.

Brand Tone
1,000 FT | Creative Level

Our Brand Tone is how we speak. It’s our style and presentation. Our tone can vary and evolve to meet the needs of the medium, context, audience and writing goals.

Brand Voice
Ground Level | Tactical Level

Tips and guidelines on how to maintain a consistent voice, and familiar tone. Follow these tactical guidelines to always sound like [client name].

Brand Voice

Brand Archetype
The Customer Advocate

[Example: 400 characters] Our priority as a brand—the thing we stand for—is the customer. We champion the idea of creating connection and communicate the power we give to our clients to create touch points that win. Meeting compliance and stopping fraud are table stakes. We give our clients real competitive advantage to craft seamless customer experiences with tools that work so effortlessly, it almost feels like magic.

Persona Underlying Messages

“ID Verification doesn’t have to be complicated”

“If you can’t make it fun, at least make it easy!”

Our Big Ideas

ID Verification should be designed for customers. Not for fraudsters.

Fraud’s a non-issue when you can spot your customers.

Don’t make your money walk away. Treat your customers like customers.

Key Associations

Designed for customers

So frictionless, it’s nearly invisible

So effortless, it’s nearly magic

It just “works”

Brand Tone

The Customer Advocate

[Example: 630 characters]

Our brand tone works to convey our focus on people, while maintaining the professionalism required to win the trust of our audience. We’re a voice of levity in an otherwise stuffy industry, and we never take ourselves too seriously.

Think friendly, energetic, matter-of-fact, and at times, cheeky. Our tone should feel like a retail consultant that treats everyone like an insider. We’re a pair of jeans in a room of suits. Down to business, with a wink.

Use these three key attributes to guide and inspire how you style language. When in doubt, start with an idea in its most neutral state, then iterate to add personality, charm, or clever quips.

Persona Underlying Messages

“ID Verification doesn’t have to be complicated”

“If you can’t make it fun, at least make it easy!”

Positively Charming
Casually Cheeky
Positively Charming
What it Means

[Example 340 characters] Our competitive landscape consists of brands ranging from heavy-handed fraud-heralds to over ambitious tech-innovators to unexciting compliance promisers. Our voice stands out by maintaining a tone of optimism and positivity. Since stopping fraud is a by-product of validating ID’s, we can focus less on the bad guys, and more on the customers.

How It Impacts Our Messaging

[Example 340 characters] Use this attribute to make language feel more personal, conversational, and natural. Don’t be afraid to throw in an occasional pun or play on words. Maintain a positive tone, with care to not sound out of touch. Our brand represents what could be, so give a nod to pain points while casting vision for how how things could be better.

Examples to Emulate

Verify in a snap! Just like—oh, and it’s already done.

With flexible, frictionless verification, the world is your oyster.

You seem like you’re looking for an up-and-running-in-a-daycompletely- frictionless-verifycustomers- anywhere kind of thing. We got you covered.

What it Means

[Example] Our voice should represent our know-how and make clear that we’re the common sense option. We temper our quippy and positive tone with a concise and point-blank approach to delivering otherwise dense information. Keep in mind that our audience is smart, but busy. They need to be able to quickly identify if we’re a good fit for them.

How It Impacts Our Messaging

[Example] Practice brevity when delivering key points. When in doubt, cut words. We cut to the chase and deliver value early and often with our language.

Examples to Emulate

Verify with a tap.

Verify anywhere. Seriously.

For wherever, and however, you sell.

No hardware required.

Casually Cheeky
What it Means

[Example] Since our audience is familiar with the need, our voice has room to be more casual in certain moments. Again, jeans in a room of suits. While we lead with positivity, we may also have the occasional hot take or snappy comment. We round out our nofrills approach with a bit of a wink and an elbow nudge.

How It Impacts Our Messaging

[Example] Don’t be afraid to be sly or assertive in a friendly way. Our cheeky dynamic carries an undertone that says “Come on, it’s a no brainer.” Make sure that when you are cheeky, it doesn’t come across as rude or shaming, but as a bid for connection. We use this approach to feel like an insider with our audience.

Examples to Emulate

Don’t make your money walk away.

Verifying your customers has seriously never been easier.

We make it easy…for most.

Less selfies, more checkouts.

See what you could do with frictionless verification.

Nuts & Bots

The Roles of Our Messaging

Every headline and sentence has a job to do. And depending on where a particular piece of copy lives in the buyer journey, it can be beneficial to adjust the topic and tone of our writing to meet the reader where they are. The following framework outlines the general structure of our messaging along that journey.

Attract & Engage

This is where we make a first impression and catch our audience’s attention. Whether we’re creating intrigue with an insight, or speaking directly to a specific need or pain point, our language in this phase works to create signal among the noise.

Our hook happens anywhere an audience member might stumble into our brand for the first time. Think organic social, paid ads, SEM, web headings, etc. Given the dry nature of our landscape, we can be a bit more informal with our Hook copy. However, always be sure to maintain focus on specific talking points that speak to our audiences needs or a specific brand experience.

Key Messaging Focus

Frictionless Customer Experience

Verify Anywhere, Online to Offline

No Hardware Required

Flexible, Scalable, and Turnkey ID Verification That Doesn’t Hurt CX

Increased Conversions

Examples to Emulate

By the time you’ve read this sentence, we’ll have verified 2,673 customers.

ID Verification made easy…for most.

Verify anywhere. Seriously.

Spot your customers without making them jump through hoops.

Craft seamless customer experiences without making your customers jump through hoops.

Zoooom through ID checks and never miss a sale.

Verify, onboard, and protect your customers—they’ll never even know we were there.

Inform & Convince

Once we’ve earned the attention of our reader, our copy should work to build trust in our authority, confidence in our value, and interest in our partnership. This is the phase to speak the language and prove our know-how.

WOO (winning others over) happens anywhere an audience member opts in to engaging with our brand. Think emails, blogs, webinars, landing pages, and downloadable content. While this phase may involve more specific and tactical language for things like product education and explaining technical features, we still maintain our base tone. Avoid using jargon or acronyms unless writing for a context where the audience would understand them.

Key Messaging Focus

Ease of Implementation

Product Offerings and Specs

Tailored Use Case Language

Industry-Leading Verification

Secure and Crowd-Ready

Frictionless and Efficient

Examples to Emulate

Verify with a tap. Our two-step process is so frictionless, it’s nearly invisible.

Our suite of tools will feel right at home as part of your customer experience tool stack.

Take full control with our REST API and Mobile SDK. Full branding customization, advanced insights and analytics, 3rd party data—the works.

The majority of fraud is prevented by accurately identifying a real ID. Just scan the barcode and keep the line moving. Takes less than a second.

Verify once, verify everywhere. Our “do not serve” list is a real time saver.

Keep customer accounts safe and sound with ongoing account access requirements.

Move to Action

Finally, we must use language to inspire our audience to action and affirm the decision to partner with us. Use compelling language to clearly communicate the immediate promise of value any time we make a call to action.

Selling happens anywhere an audience member has opted in and engaged with our brand. Think the end of emails, blogs, and landing pages; email captures, video sign offs; anywhere a call to action or bookend exists. Keep in mind that calls to action should be specific, and action-to-outcome oriented.

Key Messaging Focus

Get Up and Running in A Day or Less

No Hardware Required

Increased Conversions

Customer Service Onboarding

Process Overview

Book a Demo / Talk to Our Team

Examples to Emulate

Don’t let your money walk away.

Checking ID has seriously never been easier.

Because checkout shouldn’t feel like a security checkpoint.

Try the frictionless identity verification platform.

Remove the guesswork.

No more hunting for dates, just a quick scan and you’re good to go.

For wherever, and however, you sell.

Book a demo. Choose your platform. And you’re up and running.

See how fast your checkout line could move with frictionless verification that never slows a sale.

Messaging Tips

Semantic Exchanges
Important word choices that make our voice unique.
Instead Of
We Say

Stopping Fraud

Better Customer Experience

Stopping Fraud

Better Customer Experience

Stopping Fraud

Better Customer Experience

Stopping Fraud

Better Customer Experience

Writing & Messaging Tips
Things to keep in mind as you write.

Always use active voice and write to your reader. Consider where they are in the buyer journey and how familiar they might be with our brand.

Be cautious about language that sounds like surveillance. Our platforms are secure and pose no privacy threats.

Avoid sounding too salesy or using rhetorical questions as headlines.

Always use active voice and write to your reader. Consider where they are in the buyer journey and how familiar they might be with our brand.

Be cautious about language that sounds like surveillance. Our platforms are secure and pose no privacy threats.

Avoid sounding too salesy or using rhetorical questions as headlines.

Always use active voice and write to your reader. Consider where they are in the buyer journey and how familiar they might be with our brand.

Be cautious about language that sounds like surveillance. Our platforms are secure and pose no privacy threats.

Avoid sounding too salesy or using rhetorical questions as headlines.



The following messaging is designed as a starting point for crafting brand language and communications. Use these messaging components verbatim, or as inspiration as you write for various contexts. Always consider the brand voice, tone, and tips in addition to these crafted examples.

Core Message

Our core message is the distillation of who we are, how we’re unique, and why we’re important to our audience. This could show up in a home hero, landing page hero, social bio, or other spaces where a snapshot intro is needed.

Frictionless, hardware-free, go-anywhere identity verification.
Elevator Explainer

Our elevator explainer is a high level one-liner about what we do. This can be used in about sections, on video intros, or conversationally.

We’re an identity verification platform focused on customer experience.

Our opener is a more robust summary of our brand. It delivers our core perspective, our value prop, brand promise, and call to action.

Your verification experience should be designed for your customers, not for fraudsters. We sweat the details, so you can verify in a snap, and create seamless experiences that work without making your customers jump through hoops. Our two-step process is so quick, it’s nearly invisible—it’ll be the best experience your customers never knew they had. Just talk to our team and we’ll get you up and running in a day or less. Don’t make your money walk away. Checking IDs has seriously never been easier.

Key Messages

Key messaging is snippets of language we can use to present our brand and services.

Frictionless, hardware-free, go-anywhere identity verification
Create seamless experiences that work, without making your customers jump through hoops.
Frictionless Verification
So quick, it's nearly invisible

Your customers will never know we were there. Our two-step process is all you need to check IDs, verify customers, and meet compliance.

Frictionless Verification
So quick, it's nearly invisible

Your customers will never know we were there. Our two-step process is all you need to check IDs, verify customers, and meet compliance.

Frictionless Verification
So quick, it's nearly invisible

Your customers will never know we were there. Our two-step process is all you need to check IDs, verify customers, and meet compliance.

Verify wherever or however you sell. No hardware required.
Verify, onboard, and protect your customers—they won’t even know we were there.
Frictionless Verification
So quick, it's nearly invisible

Your customers will never know we were there. Our two-step process is all you need to check IDs, verify customers, and meet compliance.

Frictionless Verification
So quick, it's nearly invisible

Your customers will never know we were there. Our two-step process is all you need to check IDs, verify customers, and meet compliance.

Frictionless Verification
So quick, it's nearly invisible

Your customers will never know we were there. Our two-step process is all you need to check IDs, verify customers, and meet compliance.

Product Efficacy
It's all in the barcode.
Any document from across the world. The majority of fraud is prevented by accurately identifying a real ID. Just scan the barcode and keep the line moving.
It takes less than a second.

Additional Headlines

Industry Here

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klaviyo logo
Intellicheck logo
klaviyo logo

Clear space

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

In our visual system, clarity is key. To maintain optimal legibility, prioritize generous clear space and good contrast when placing the logo. Background gradients should usually be positioned so that “Paperwhite” or “Shadow” is the dominant field behind the logo.


Color Use

Table of Contents

Case Study