Reshaping a Brand into a Respected Industry Leader.

Security threats have been steadily increasing in frequency and severity, and businesses across industries are realizing the higher level of risk. DirectDefense operates at the forefront of information security, offering tiered managed security services based on the specific needs of their clients. As organizations grapple with increasingly complex security threats, we helped DirectDefense share its expertise and unique offering, and validate their value as a managed service provider.

This engagement began as a conversation about a complete rebranding effort, and we achieved that goal through our proprietary methodology for successful brand partnerships. Regardless of industry or type of client, we follow a proven process that considers a brand’s strengths and weaknesses, challenges and goals, and applies industry research, data, and purposeful strategy to deliver on the initial request and elevate the brand overall.

Building a Brand From the Ground Up

Our work with DirectDefense began with a two-day branding workshop at their headquarters in Denver, CO, that provided a deep-dive into their industry and goals, and helped us create alignment among their team as to the direction the brand was heading and the process to get there. We helped their team recognize the steps required to amplify their brand and build trust among their target audience as an expert resource capable of addressing critical security challenges.

Getting a “Lay of the Land”

DirectDefense is led by information security experts who each bring years of experience and knowledge to the company. A significant step in helping DirectDefense position itself as an industry thought leader was leveraging the voices of its subject matter experts. Tapping into the company’s institutional knowledge base through interviews on specific areas of interest and business focus helped elevate the quality of their content, as well as the validity of their brand story.

We also analyzed the competitive landscape to identify opportunities for DirectDefense to lead the conversation with their unique knowledge and expertise in ways their competitors were not currently doing.

DirectDefense branded brochure next to website to demonstrate cohesion

An Audience-Driven Strategy

Since the launch of the refreshed DirectDefense brand, and throughout our continued work with them, we have always focused on serving their audience throughout the buyer journey. We have continuously revisited their content strategy to ensure what we’re generating not only validates the company’s expertise but enables them to grow in the space.

Additionally, we have managed several digital strategies to keep the DirectDefense brand front-and-center with its target audience. Through the implementation and routine updating of on-page SEO, dynamic content (wherein specific pages on the site feature related content for download), and a continued focus on marketing automation efforts to reach specific audiences based on behaviors, we have successfully pulled in more qualified leads and increased conversions.

Continued Identification of Growth Opportunities

We have been partners with DirectDefense for several years, which has given us a complete picture of their growth and a unique ability to clearly understand what is working or, conversely, where we can adjust our strategy. We have engaged them in additional brand workshops to help update their brand to reflect an increased focus on managed security services, and we continue to implement digital strategies that drive meaningful audience connections.

Mobile website layout to show attention to responsiveness
DirectDefense branded puzzle
DirectDefense branded t-shirt
DirectDefense event banner
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We recently had the opportunity to review where DirectDefense was before our engagement with Fishnet, and compare it to where we are now. The differences are pretty rewarding to see, and are the result of the branding work and continued focus on content and search strategy that Fishnet has helped us with.

Building a Brand That Can Grow and Change

We strategically crafted the DirectDefense brand to accommodate changes to the business we knew would be occurring over the years. As with any branding engagement, we construct brand messaging and visual identity to serve as a foundation that can be added to and enhanced when needed. In this way, we are able to preserve the equity the brand has already built while allowing them to scale with their industry and audience. This approach has served DirectDefense well as they have revisited their brand messaging and business focus several times since our initial brand development workshop.

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Working with DirectDefense has been a wonderful experience since we’ve been there from the beginning. We value being able to help shape a brand and continue our partnership with them over the subsequent years so we can be part of their changes and growth.

Jared Lemos
Managing Partner, Co-founder

Building a Brand That Can Grow and Change

  • Persona Development
  • Brand & Competitive Positioning
  • Messaging Architecture
  • Identity & Visual System Development
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Go-to-Market & Launch Strategy
  • SEO & Conversion Optimization
  • Marketing Automation
  • Social Media Strategy
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