Fishnet’s Marketing Analytics Services

Zephyr Jaeger

Take a look at the marketing analytics services that we use on a daily basis to help our clients reach their goals. 

Marketing analytics services are one of the most important aspects of what we do here at Fishnet. In this fast-paced and digitally-dominated world, there are innumerable data points to track, analyze, and act upon, and thankfully, the tools needed for performing those tasks have evolved to meet those demands. But even with all of the access and premium accounts available, truly analyzing marketing needs and efforts effectively requires experience, practice, and persistence, three things we’ve been perfecting for nearly two decades. Let’s take a look at some of the latest trends in marketing analytics and how we perform those services for our clients. 

Marketing Analytics Services Overview

What Is Marketing Analytics?

Marketing analytics is a broad term that encompasses the practices of gathering, analyzing, and acting upon data relating to your business performance, your marketing efforts, your customers’ needs and satisfaction levels, and what potential new customers are seeking in order to attract them to your business. In order to gain these valuable insights, you’ll need an array of marketing analytics tools to track different kinds of data from different areas of your business. 

Why Use Marketing Analytics Services?

In short, marketing analytics services are the best way to stay on top of just about everything going on with your business and customers at any given time. From tracking campaign performance, to monitoring website traffic, to posting on social media, marketing analytics tools not only make everything easier but they very quickly boost your performance and abilities in all areas. 

A huge part of what your business gains from using marketing analytics services is a deeper understanding of your customer journey and insights on what potential customers are looking for so that you can work to better serve and attract both groups. This directly ties into your ability to craft personalized marketing campaigns, a major point of interest for consumers today. Understanding what parts of your marketing efforts are working for your customers and which are a waste of time is key for driving engagement. 

Marketing Tools We Pull Analytics From At Fishnet

We use a range of tools to perform optimum marketing analytics services at Fishnet to ensure we are providing our clients with the best overviews, suggestions, and services on a regular basis. There are dozens of marketing tools out there but the key is to find the ones that work best for your company’s overall strategy. In the words of our Managing Partner, Michael, “Whatever marketing tools you use, it’s important to understand the data they provide and bring those datasets together to provide meaningful insights.”  

Here are some (certainly not all) of our main tools that we rely upon regularly:


Semrush is a multifunctional SaaS platform that we use for almost every client, including ourselves. Semrush is one of our most relied-upon marketing analytics tools because of its wide range of services, including keyword research and tracking, site auditing, competitor analysis, website analytics, and even social media capabilities. From organic traffic to advertising performance, Semrush is involved in many stages of our marketing work with clients of all kinds, because today, online performance and marketing efforts are a must for every kind of business. 


Databox is a sophisticated, cloud-based data tracking tool that gathers data from many other software platforms, such as Google Analytics, and displays it in an organized and meaningful way to make it easier for marketers to review their insights all in one place. Essentially, it generates an all-in-one KPI report, and we use it for many of our clients on a monthly basis to stay on track with their ongoing goals and performance. 

Salesforce & Pardot 

Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) tool and Pardot, owned by Salesforce, is a marketing automation tool that we use primarily for email marketing services for some of our clients. Both tools are sophisticated software as a service (SaaS) marketing platforms that can help automate and streamline various marketing tactics and campaigns, which helps to take the guesswork out of staying consistent with and up to date on your efforts for clients. 

Fishnet’s Marketing Analytics Services

Creativity and industry experience are invaluable to our marketing efforts. However, in today’s digitally-driven world, we simply couldn’t do what we do without the power of the marketing analytics services we went over in the last section. There are innumerable digital tools that bolster our abilities in so many areas and with the addition of the creative and business abilities our team brings to the table, we have become a well-oiled marketing machine serving clients at all levels in all industries.

If you’re looking for a marketing agency with experience in content marketing, design, advertising, and marketing analytics services to help boost your profile and performance, reach out to us today

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Zephyr Jaeger
Zephyr Jaeger
As a Content Strategist/Copywriter here at Fishnet, I work on a wide range of content and copy work. From Fishnet blogs, to writing and reviewing client website copy, to SEO research, I’m always jumping from one aspect of content production to another. I work closely with all departments, especially those on the creative side of things, to craft the best content possible for Fishnet and their valued clients.

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