Be Where They Are With Social Media and Content Marketing

Do you wonder if you’re getting the most out of your social media and content marketing strategy? Your approach to social media – such as the platform you choose and the way you deliver social content – should be based on your industry, your company’s function (B2B, B2C, or D2C), and your target audience.

Why is Social Media an Important Part of Inbound Marketing?

We know content creation is a critical piece of any marketing plan, but why is social media an important part of inbound marketing? Having a presence on social media not only helps your brand feel more approachable and “human,” but it is another significant way to drive traffic to your site through targeted, relevant content your audience is looking for.

Plus, social media provides the opportunity for your brand to be more conversational, interactive, and engaging through a diversity of content and personalization tactics. Here’s what you can expect from a B2C or B2B social media marketing strategy.


The Essentials of Social Media Marketing

Choose and Brand the Right Social Platforms

From social posts to sponsored advertising on social platforms, we help our clients elevate their presence on the appropriate platform(s). We’ll help you identify the right social channels for your business and industry, and maximize your brand presence on those platforms with branded cover art, company descriptions that are reflective of your brand messaging, and posts that are consistent with your brand message and identity.

Develop a Social Media Marketing Plan

Wrap your social media marketing plan into your content development strategy. We’ll help you develop a social media marketing calendar to map out social posts and associated imagery. It will all be based on our research into your brand and industry so we know you’re delivering the right social content that will not only resonate with your followers, but generate engagement and brand awareness.

Be Recognizable

Every post from copy to imagery should be consistent with your brand’s unique look and feel. We’ll work with you to identify and develop the right imagery to support carefully-crafted content that will reinforce your brand and grow loyalty among your audience.

Explore Social Media Advertising

A great way to elevate your brand is by using social media to advertise your content. We’ll develop a social media advertising strategy that is specifically targeted to the right audience and supported by valuable content to drive engagement and conversions.


Performance Tracking and Reporting

Is your social media and content marketing strategy working? We provide regular performance reporting so we know what’s working – and what might not be – so we can make adjustments and continue driving results.

Case Study