Make your brand story stick with a content marketing strategy. 51% of companies say updating old content has proven the most efficient tactic.


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Beyond ‘Engagement’

We create content strategies rooted in your brand’s messaging and identity, and backed by digital landscape research, so you know it’s the right content, for the right audience, in the right format. Telling the right story gets more than engagement – it gets customers for the life of your brand.

Be a Thought Leader

You’re the experts in your business, so we develop content marketing strategies that harness the institutional knowledge of your subject matter experts. Your brand emerges as an industry thought leader and can win loyalty and trust.

Content Strategy Services

Behind any successful content production is a well-crafted content strategy that keeps you consistently on-message and relevant to your audience. Using a purposeful and proven approach, we’ll work hand-in-hand to develop a content strategy that prioritizes your brand’s goals and elevates you as a strong thought leader in your industry.  

A strong content strategy is rooted in research and data, so you know your content production efforts will capture results. Our adaptive content strategy process was built on that same foundation. Regardless of industry, specialty, or niche, we rely on two distinct sources to inform how we approach any content strategy: the experts on your team and the proven, data-backed process we’ve developed over the last two decades. 

Competitor & Digital Landscape Research

We conduct both digital and competitive research to validate the size of the opportunity for your brand and make well-informed recommendations for content production.

Competitor and digital landscape research is the key to ensuring the content you create is a) positioning your brand as a thought leader among others in the industry and b) giving your target audience the information they need in the way they want to consume it. You can create tons of content, but if it’s not what people are looking for, it won’t help your brand. We help you develop purposeful, targeted, helpful content based on extensive research into your competitors’ activity and the digital landscape at large.

Content Audit & Gap Analysis

Many brands have existing repositories of content that may have become dated but still address relevant topics. We audit this collateral to identify what assets can be refreshed or updated to fit into your new content strategy and help identify net new pieces of content to fill any existing gaps.

Buyer Journey & Content Mapping

We develop a “persona matrix” in which we map each of your target personas to your content, and where that content fits within the buyer/customer journey. This matrix allows us to see gaps in your buyer/customer journey that can be addressed through a comprehensive content strategy.

Content Calendar Development

Once we’ve identified your content needs, we’ll begin mapping out a content calendar that aligns with your audience’s interests, the current state of the digital landscape, and the overarching goals of your strategy. Whether your team or Fishnet will be creating content (we’ve found that a mix of both and thoughtful collaboration yields the best results), a calendar helps organize the process and provide visibility, acting as a content strategy guide anyone can follow.

Thought Leadership & Long-Form Content

You have subject matter experts throughout your company who can be tapped to help generate thought leadership content for your brand. Be the brand your customers turn to for information and build your company’s reputation for expertise. We’ll help you weave thought leadership content into your strategy so you rise above your competitors and gain brand equity.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

“Turn on” your content with SEO. Semrush, a Fishnet partner, and Google Search Console, both provide spot-on SEO guidance (among other features), and we use these tools to identify the right keywords for your company and industry based on your content and your target audience behavior. Our keyword research includes:

  • Current rankings for your existing website pages
  • Competitor keyword rankings and opportunities to rank for keywords they may not be using
  • Recommended long-tail keywords based on common target audience searches
  • Key metrics, such as keyword volume, difficulty, cost-per-click, competition in paid search, top-ranking pages, and ad copy (among other elements)
  • Evaluating the potential of your keywords to most positively impact your site traffic and visibility opportunities

Content Strategy Management

Content development isn’t set-it-and-forget-it. Your content needs to remain relevant, timely, and in line with what your target audience is looking for. When trends change or audience demands shift, your content strategy needs to shift too. We’ll help you stay on top of it all, so your brand can stay on top of the competition.

Content Performance Measurement

Once you have a content strategy in place, we’ll make sure it continues performing and driving engagement for your brand. Measuring metrics like clicks, traffic, time-on-page, downloads, and the type of content being digested paints a detailed picture of performance that helps ensure you’re putting your focus in the right places.

67% of marketers say SEO is the most effective marketing strategy.


Campaign Strategy & Creative Execution

Campaigns are a great way to broadcast your brand to a wider audience and draw attention to your differentiating value. We’ll help you leverage social media and the digital landscape to launch a campaign that represents the unique promise your brand makes to your audience.

Social Media Marketing Strategy

Elevate your social media presence with a strategy that helps you do more than post a few photos here and there. We assess your industry, your competitors’ activities on social, and make informed recommendations for the best platforms to leverage, as well as what type of content to post. We then build out a strategy and plan to get your social media activity rolling.

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Everyone loves a good story; stories have brought people together for generations and are the oldest form of communication. Every brand has a story, and by drawing yours out and infusing it into your brand messaging, visual identity, and overall content strategy, you can truly resonate with the people out there who are looking for a brand that reflects their beliefs and lifestyle.

Jennifer Keefe
Director of Content Strategy

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The way people think, learn, and digest information in today’s digital world is vastly different so your content should measure up.
Before you embark on developing a content strategy for your brand, start with an audit so you know what you have and what you need.
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